
Friday, March 03, 2006

Goodbye U.S.

Today is my last day in the U.S. We fly out at 1:40pm. These last couple have days have made me even more excited about going to Guyana. The group seems fantastic. Here's a little break down.

There are 20 of us--15 women and 5 men.
There are 2 Black Americans, 3 Asian Americans, and 15 White americans.
Most of us are between the ages of 22 and 26. There is a 30 yr old, 48 yr old, 50ish yr old, and 60ish yr old.
We have one married couple who are around my age.

Everyone is from all over the U.S. and there's one other girl's from Texas.

During our stay in Miami, I ate a lot of Cuban Cuisine, and all the places we went had the menu in Spanish and then translated in English. That reminds me, I'm excited about the Guyanese food. I'm very interested to see the African and East Indian influences ;)

Well, I have to get ready to check out of the hotel. I come!


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