
Monday, March 06, 2006

Host family

I made it! I'm here in Guyana. Yesterday, was my first night with my host family. They're great!! I have a really good feeling about them especially compared to my Italian experience. I live with a married couple who have no children. They're in there early 30's. We are in a small village outside of Georgetown.
The host family

The house.

Today was the first day of training. We talked about the primary healthcare system in Guyana. It focuses on preventative care rather than curative care. We just had a general introduction and will go into more detail tomorrow. We talked about medical stuff as it relates to our health as PC trainees. Then a cultural facilitator talked about the creole culture. She taught us some phrases in Creolese. Here's one "yuh han sweet, man." Can you guess what that means?

My minutes are almost up. I'll update later.


At 6:45 PM, Blogger Leibeans said...

Yay!! First post for Guyana!! I'm guessing the phrase means "you're hand is sweet man" which doesn't make any sense :p

Also, the stuff about preventative care is interesting, what are the major diseases they are focusing on?

At 1:43 PM, Blogger AULO said...

Hehe, I guess when the phrase is taken out of context it's harder to dechiper. It means "you're a good cook."

It sounds like we'll be dealing with maternal and child health, so some of the issues are malnutrition that leads to diarreha, respiratory diseases, skin diseases. HIV/AIDS is also a major issue.


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