
Sunday, March 26, 2006

Amerindian Village

Yesterday, we went to an Amerindian (indigenous people) Village. We had to take this huge army truck through the bush for 45 minutes to get there. There was white sand everywhere. It felt very quite and remote, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to be in a place like that. We played cricket and swam in the black water. When we were done with cricett this woman Kristen asked to take some of the children's picture with her digital camera. Then as she was showing the pictures to them, all the other children ran over to look too. They followed her and this other girl, Liz, for the rest of the time.
Driving through the bush.
St Cuthbert's

I also had my site placement interview. I talked about how I wanted to be kept busy and that the presentation that this one woman gave about the Red Cross in Region 9 sounded superb. She was energetic and had a contagious, positive attitude. I also mentioned that if I worked in a health clinic, I'd like to be involved in family planning. I don't want to be in Georgetown because of all the unwanted male attention. I also mentioned that I didn't need to be extremely close to other volunteers because I want to be forced to integrate as much as I can into my community. I felt good after the interview, so we'll see what happens.


At 6:28 AM, Blogger AULO said...

Don't forget to look at the comments I make on your comments.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Leibeans said...

I cannot believe you guys swam in the black water that sounds extremely unsanitary for some reason. Is it fresh water or salt water? Watch out for wormies!

when do you hear about your job placement?

At 11:32 AM, Blogger AULO said...

At the end of next week.


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