
Thursday, April 06, 2006

My Site

I found out my site!!! I'm going to this city called Parika in Region 3. It's about an hour away from Georgetown. I had no idea where they were going to place me, but this is a nice surprise. There was a recent volunteer that just left. We met him a few times, and he has done great things for Parika. A lot of people speak very positively about him, and it looks like I have some big shoes to fill. I don't know exactly what I'll be doing, but we start our site visit tomorrow.

This week has been really facisnating. We learned a lot about HIV/AIDS in Guyana. For example, transmission through drug use is not a serious problem here. The biggest concern is transmission through sex. Another interesting thing we learned is that many young girls will have anal sex as a way to preserve "their virginity." Along with learning specific concerns for Guyana, we learned about different techniques we can use to discuss the issue. Today we participated in a very powerful activity in which we roled played as those who tested positive and negative for HIV. The group expressed lots of emotion and tears, and it gave us a glimpse of what life is like as a person infected and affected by HIV.


At 10:52 AM, Blogger Leibeans said...

What was your role in the role playing game? Did you cry? I can't imagine how horrible it would be to have HIV but it's also really hard to grasp how I would react if I had know what I mean?

I'm sure you're gonna be amazing at this new place, don't worry about it! Are you going to have internet access? Give us your new address soon!

At 2:02 PM, Blogger AULO said...

I'm just on my site visit. I'll go back to Mocha for 2 more weeks. I'll move to Parika permanently at the end of the month. Yes, I'll be living with a host family for the whole 2 years. They'll be in the top flat and I in the bottom.

At 9:04 AM, Blogger AULO said...

In the exercise, I was HIV+, and yes, I cried. I couldn't help it once one of the other trainees started to cry. And, then to think how it would not only affect me but also my family and friends.

I will have internet access :)


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