
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Psychiatric clinic

This past Friday was psychiatric clinic at the health center. Some doctors from Georgetown and an assistant came down to see clients. I helped admit people who were seeking their first visit. This was really interesting because while talking to the newcomers, I heard about the stressful problems they were experiencing at home. In fact, 4 of them started crying when talking about it. It was emotional, but I felt honored (I guess is the right word) that they felt comfortable enough to share that with me on our first encounter.

Later I had the chance to sit with one of the doctors while he talked with clients. Two of the people mentioned how they sometimes hear voices. One woman seemed very spaced out and wide-eyed. I had a feeling that she might have had some traumatic experience because she's been passed around among family members and no one seems to want to take care of her. The other one was a young boy of 16. His father was with him, but he seemed to have a support system.

On a lighter note, I went to sort of welcome party for the new PCVs in region 3. We hung out at this guy Justin's place and then went to a club called the Caribbean Temptations. It was fun, but the big problem is the music. Not that it's bad music, but the DJ only lets 2 seconds of the song play before he interrupts to talk and them switches to another song. So it's like tiny spurts of dancing that just makes me frustrated.
At Justin's house
Caribbean Temptations


At 9:15 AM, Blogger Leibeans said...

Don't ya feel priviledged when people tell you stuff they would never share with anyone? Hearing voices I think are generally associated with schizophrenia and that young boy seems to fit the age of onset pretty well. Typically young men in their 20s begin exhibiting signs of schizophrenia, let me know if i'm right and I'll give myself a cookie.

Also hurray for parties and dancing!


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