
Saturday, July 08, 2006

Work and life

When we Peace Corps Volunteers get together we always ask the same 3 questions:
How's work?
How's the living situation?
Are you married yet?

Work is improving meaning I'm starting to understand where I fit into at the health center. I see my main audience being pregnant women and children. I've also talked to a couple of the schools here in Parika, and when the next term starts in September I'll be going into the schools to talk about health education. Futhermore there's a group of young Guyanese here who want to work on community development in Parika. I went to a meeting yesterday to talk about the possiblities, and there's a general consensus that the group wants to focus on youth and helping them to find personal purpose.

I'm still living with a host family. I've started cooking breakfast and lunch for myself, but I still depend on them for dinner. Also in some respects I'm a spoiled little brat. I never have to do my own laundry, which is a big deal since many PCVs have to do laundry by hand. And, I really don't have to clean my flat because Joyce always does that for me whether I want her to or not. But come August, I'll have the place to myself.

The marriage question more generally refers to your social life, and if there is a love interest. In Guyana there's really not the concept of casual dating. People date to get married. And being a forigner makes you that much more appealing for marriage because you're a ticket out. Don't worry I'm being careful, but I did meet a really great guy. He's got enough brains that if he wants to get out of the country he can do it on his own. He's kind, considerate, good to talk to, and not to mention cute.

In other aspects of social life, last weekend all of Guy 17 got a chance to get together for the first time in 2 months. Saturday, the U.S. Ambassador had a pool party at his residence. That same night we had a party at Tessa's place in Georgetown. Sunday, we had an American style bbq. It was great fun and refreshing. It's nice to know you're all in the same boat no matter how rocky or peaceful it is.


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